The Pet Rescuers is an Australian observational documentary series first screened on the Nine Network in 2021. This heartwarming show follows the work of a team of vets from Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR) who are on a mission to give abandoned pets a second chance. Season two premiered on the 18th of February 2023, and it's been loved by audiences all around Australia. You can stream all 20 episodes of The Pet Rescuers Season 2 for free on 9NOW.
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About Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR)
Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR) is a non-profit organisation that rescues animals in need and provides them with medical attention, rehabilitation, and a second chance at a loving home. The team of vets works tirelessly to care for and save as many animals as they can, and the show highlights their incredible work.
Each episode of The Pet Rescuers showcases the unique stories of abandoned animals and the lengths that the SCAR team will go to give them a second chance. From rescuing stray cats and dogs to caring for exotic animals, the show is full of touching moments that will leave you with a warm heart.
The Pet Rescuers season two promises to be even better than the first, with even more heartwarming stories of abandoned pets getting a second chance. So make sure you tune in and don't miss out!